Candy store in Germany

by Tatiana Travelways
Candy store in Germany
Tatiana Travelways
Photograph - Photography
Looking through a mouth watering window display, with shelves full goodies for the sweet tooth, like dry fruit, candies, chocolate and many more. I took my photograph of this Candy store at night while wandering and exploring the streets of Munich (Munchen) in Bavaria, Germany
October 17th, 2017
Comments (12)

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! You are invited to post your art in the "Special Feature Archive Discussion" in the Camera Art group. Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art You can do that in the specific "Artist Special Feature Nomination" discussion in the Camera Art Group.

Tami Quigley
This is wonderful Tatiana! Nominating for special feature in Camera Art Group! L/FT
Tatiana Travelways replied:
Thank you so much, Tami Quigley! I really appreciate this and also favoriting my work! :)