Till next summer
by Tatiana Travelways
Till next summer
Tatiana Travelways
Photograph - Photography
A quaint candy store with a vintage vibe, closed for the winter, is nestled in a snowy setting on the roadside, in the bright sunlight of the day. Its charming wooden green façade and large empty is adorned with a sign reminding of the name of the small business. In the front porch, a classic bicycle also with the name of small shop, is quietly leaning against the wall, adding to the nostalgic atmosphere - till next summer...
Featured in the following groups at Fine Art America:
Our World Gallery 05/21/2017
Barns Big and Small 05/21/2017
Only Doors And Windows 05/20/2017
May 19th, 2017
Comments (21)
Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Photographic Camera Art" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020-2024 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!
Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, your amazing photograph is Featured, in ONTARIO CANADA, homepage group, of Fine Art America!
Ben Prepelka
Your work is now featured in the Roadside group! Please consider adding it to the “Featured work for March and April 2024 active discussion thread." (L/F 4-8-2024)
Your artwork has been featured on the homepage of FAA Gallery Home For All Artists Who Create. Please post your amazing artwork in our` Archive your April Features` discussion.
Tatiana Travelways
Featured in the "Fine Art Exploration Photography" art gallery at Fine Art America - Thank you! :)
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Kelly Awad for featuring my work in the "Signs" group at Fine Art America!
Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your marvelous art has been featured on the Home Page of the ABC Group. This art has been selected from the ABC GROUP C IS FOR COLORFUL themed week! You are invited to add this wonderful art to the features archive.
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Terry Cobb for featuring my work in the "Seen But Not Notced" group at Fine Art America!
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Rebecca Malo for featuring my work in the "Contemporary" group at Fine Art America!
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Toni Hopper for featuring my work in the "Women Photographers" group at Fine Art America!
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Romuald Henry Wasielewski for featuring my work in the "Arts Fantastic World" group at Fine Art America!
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Jannice Walker for featuring my picture in the "Architecture and Sports" group at Fine Art America :) #TravelArt #TravelPictures #TravelPhotos #FAAArtists
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Dora Sofia Caputo for featuring py picture in the "Picturesque Neighborhoods" group at Fine Art America
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Debra and Dave Vanderlaan for featuring my picture in the "Barns Big and Small" group on Fine Art America
Tatiana Travelways
Thank you Lenore Senior for featuring my picture in the "Our World Gallery" group on Fine Art America