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Red sky at night Photograph by Tatiana Travelways

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Comments (20)

Rebecca Grzenda

Rebecca Grzenda 19 Days Ago

Beautiful image!

Thank you, Rebecca!

Laurie's Intuitive

Laurie's Intuitive 19 Days Ago

Breathtaking sunset capture, Tatiana! Wow!!! Love this!!

Thank you very much, Laurie!

Allen Beatty

Allen Beatty 29 Days Ago

Beautiful sunset capture !!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Featured in the "If The Image Excites You" art gallery at Fine Art America - Thank you! :)

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Featured in the "Reflections Rainbows" art gallery at Fine Art America - Thank you, Gaby! :)

Leslie Struxness

Leslie Struxness


Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Glorious color!lf

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the PHOTOGRAPHY ONLY-OCEAN-SOLID RED SUNRISES OR SUNSE...contest

Thank you very much, Garry!

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Tatiana – your sunrise/sunset scene has been featured by the Go Take a Hike Photography Group! Feel free to add it to the Featured Images thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Jan Mulherin for featuring my photography work in the "Shadows Silhouettes and Reflections" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Carole Sluski for featuring my work in the "World Landscape Lovers of Art" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Janis Vaiba for featuring my work in the "Just Perfect" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you "Frozen in Time" for featuring my work in the "Your Very Best Photography" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Brooks Garten Hauschild for featuring my work in the "A Woman's Touch" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Nader Rangidan for featuring my work in the "Exploration Photography" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Terry Cobb for featuring my work in the "The Coastal Areas of the Gulf of Mexico" art gallery at Fine Art America!

Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Melissa and Angela :)

Angela Whitehouse

Angela Whitehouse


Mellissa Ray

Mellissa Ray


Tatiana Travelways

Tatiana Travelways

Thank you Delynn Addams for featuring my picture in the "Composition of Any Medium" group :)

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Red sky at night by Tatiana Travelways
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